Rolla "V"


Mark Free Components

"Eliminates component marking"

Component marking is a problem, which can occur in the press brake cell. A relatively new product on the market now offered exclusively by Amada UK is the Rolla V.

Rolla V relies upon a unique process consisting if two semi-circular followers, which support the component so it forms the material around the punch. The advantages that this process offer are the elimination of component marking, no drawing or stretching of the material, small flanges are possible, tight internal radii can be achieved and holes close to the bend line are not distorted.

When forming materials such as Zintec or Galvatite, material "pick up" on the tool is common. This provides the user with a lengthy cleaning process of the tool. With Rolla V this phenomenon is reduced, boosting productivity further.

Rolla V is available in four models, all of which bend a wide range of materials and thicknesses with consistent accuracy.
  Click Here To Download Rolla V Specification Sheet